As you already know, I had a weak moment last Friday. As much as I love my new red pumps
If you know me then you know I live in my J Brand jeans
Now remember when I said that my new Irina Pumps were so comfortable I would even be willing to wear them to walk around in? I wasn't kidding. They are! This outfit would be great for running around in during the day...say maybe this spring { um, as in starting two days ago! } or this coming fall. So perfect actually that the tee top may or may not be on its way to me now.
I have been loving navy and black together recently { the rule I referred to breaking yesterday }. I remember watching my mother get dressed for work when I was younger. She would explain to me that she needed navy shoes to go with her blue suit because black and blue just do not go together. And after all these years, only now am I starting to rethink that silly rule of hers. I think this set would be perfect for a fall dinner out, don't you?
I definitely need some accessories, don't you think? Probably the hardest part of an outfit for me. Any suggestions you have to offer are welcomed, so lay 'em on me please!
Now this outfit I wore this weekend when I went to UFC with my Mister. Do any of you know what that is? I didn't until this weekend { happy googling to you }. Anyway, I needed to fit in with that crowd yet still feel like myself. One of my hottest, cutest and best dressed friends suggested an all black outfit to really make my red shoes
In re-reading this post I am a little bit
i am no help for this. first, because i think you need the CA is for lovers top. you need to represent while in nyc. second, because i love you. i don't think i feel the red heels with the all black. it is too grease (think tight outfit, red shoes, red lips) for me. sorry.